Five-Point Programmatic Thrust

In keeping with the mission of Delta Sigma Theta, Covington Area Alumnae Chapter is committed to serving Newton and Walton counties with an array of public service initiatives that are centered around the Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement.


The major programs of the Sorority are based upon the organization’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: 

  • Economic Development

  • Educational Development

  • International Awareness and Involvement

  • Physical and Mental Health

  • Political Awareness and Involvement


Economic Development

  • Domestic Violence Project-”Purple Purse Project”

  • Small Business Expo

  • Homebuyers Workshop

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Educational Development

  • Delta Academy

  • Delta G.E.M.S.


  • College Readiness Workshop

  • Newton County Sheriff’s Office Back to School Drive


International Awareness and Involvement

  • Sex Trafficking Education

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Physical and Mental Health

  • American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Walk & Fundraiser

  • Mental Health Awareness Forum

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

  • Relay for Life

  • Community Friends and Family CPR Training


Political Awareness and Involvement

  • Get Out and Vote Virtual Rallies

  • Voter Registration Drives